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Below you’ll find our insights and answers to the questions we get asked the most. Don’t worry if you don’t find the answer you’re looking for just contact us and we’ll have the answer for you.


Useful Glossary of Terms

Sometimes legal language can be very confusing and very often our clients contact us requesting an explanation of what certain words means. To help you we have listed some key words with an explanation of what they mean. MIAM: This stands for...

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Why Should I Go Through Mediation?

David Ross is an Accredited Family Mediator (FMCA) and Lawyer and has worked in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for over 25 years. One of the questions that David is asked is “why should I go through mediation?” There are number...

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Mediation Voucher Scheme is a Success Says McFarlane

Sir Andrew McFarlane revealed in the Jersey Family Law Conference last week that the Family Mediation Council (FMC) had distributed over 2000 vouchers, averaging 130 per week and that 77% of cases reached whole or partial agreement. These...

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Online Divorce Applications

All divorce applications must now be filed online using MyHMCTS.  This meets the requirements of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, which is coming into force on 6 April 2022. The only exceptions, which should be filed at...

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Court Fees Increase

From September 2021 new court fees will apply for Divorce. The costs of an application for a divorce, nullity or civil partnership dissolution will increase to £593. The costs of the application for a financial order other than by consent has...

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How much does mediation cost?

The costs vary depending on your circumstances and how many mediation sessions you feel you need. Mediation is by far the cheapest way to resolve your dispute. The average cost of a disputed finance case is around £15,000 through courts. Mediation is fraction of the cost and much cheaper than using solicitors to resolve your dispute.
Mediation Solutions UK charge £180 including VAT per person for each mediation session. Based on a recent survey our private client charges are the cheapest in the UK.

A Mediation Information Assessment Meeting or MIAM is £120 including VAT per person. It also includes setting up the assessment meeting online at a convenient time for you.

How long is a MIAM and a mediation sessions?

A MIAM will take around 30 to 45 minutes and mediation sessions last for an hour and thirty minutes.

How long will the process take?

This again depends on your circumstances. Resolving a dispute over child arrangements typically take no longer than 3 mediation session. Resolving property and finance cases take between two to four mediation sessions.

What is a Miam?

A Miam is a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting where you meet the mediator for the first time for usually around 30 minutes to discuss your options.

Is the agreement binding?

The proposal you arrive at in the mediation session can be written up and converted into a legal binding consent order.

Can I have an appointment on the weekend?

Yes. The office opening hours are 9am to 5pm but we can arrange appointments during none business hours and on weekends.

What are the chances of a successful resolution through mediation?

Mediation has a very high success rate. CEDR has recorded that the aggregate settlement rate from mediations was 86%

Is the mediation process confidential?

Confidentiality is one of the cornerstone principles of mediation, and arguably one of the most important, that is why the mediation process is so attractive to people, as they know that the process is confidential and safeguards them, compared to litigation which is not confidential.

What if I do not know how to set up an online mediation session?

Our office staff will talk you through the process. We have a range of online mediation applications that are totally secure.

Do I have to attend a MIAM?

Before you can proceed to court to resolve your dispute the court requires that you attend an assessment meeting first to discuss your options.

How much does mediation cost?

The costs vary depending on your circumstances and how many mediation sessions you feel you need. Mediation is by far the cheapest way to resolve your dispute. The average cost of a disputed finance case is around £15,000 through courts. Mediation is fraction of the cost and much cheaper than using solicitors to resolve your dispute.
Mediation Solutions UK charge £150 per person for each mediation session. Based on a recent survey our private client charges are the cheapest in the UK.

A Mediation Information Assessment Meeting or MIAM is £150 which covers both clients attending their own MIAM with us. It also includes setting up the assessment meeting online at a convenient time for you and signing the court form if one person is unwilling to mediate.

How long is a MIAM and a mediation sessions?

A MIAM will take around 30 to 45 minutes and mediation sessions last for an hour and thirty minutes.

How long will the process take?

This again depends on your circumstances. Resolving a dispute over child arrangements typically take no longer than 3 mediation session. Resolving property and finance cases take between two to four mediation sessions.

What is a Miam?

A Miam is a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting where you meet the mediator for the first time for usually around 30 minutes to discuss your options.

Is the agreement binding?

The proposal you arrive at in the mediation session can be written up and converted into a legal binding consent order.

Can I have an appointment on the weekend?

Yes. The office opening hours are 9am to 5pm but we can arrange appointments during none business hours and on weekends.

What are the chances of a successful resolution through mediation?

Mediation has a very high success rate. CEDR has recorded that the aggregate settlement rate from mediations was 86%

Is the mediation process confidential?

Confidentiality is one of the cornerstone principles of mediation, and arguably one of the most important, that is why the mediation process is so attractive to people, as they know that the process is confidential and safeguards them, compared to litigation which is not confidential.

What if I do not know how to set up an online mediation session?

Our office staff will talk you through the process. We have a range of online mediation applications that are totally secure.

Do I have to attend a MIAM?

Before you can proceed to court to resolve your dispute the court requires that you attend an assessment meeting first to discuss your options.


To start the process we need a few details. Simply download and fill in our digital referral form and email it over to us and a member of our team will be in touch. Alternatively call us on 01925 393 532.