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Mediation stands apart from most dispute resolution methods due to its non-confrontational nature. There doesn't need to be a winner and a loser; instead, both parties can emerge victorious, as the mediator facilitates an agreement that benefits everyone involved....

When You Require Legal Guidance

Mediators can provide general legal information, such as an overview of the law regarding financial settlements during divorce. However, they cannot offer personalised legal advice tailored to your specific situation. Legal advice can be beneficial for: Making...

My Ex-Partner Has Consulted a Mediator – What
Should I Do?

If your ex has reached out to a mediator to discuss matters following your separation, you may receive an invitation to attend a meeting, commonly referred to as a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM). This is a typical step in the mediation process,...

Civil Mediation Complaints Process

MSUK Group complies with the requirements of Civil Mediation Council.

  1. MSUK Group will deal promptly and courteously with any complaint, formal or informal, made to the service.  The cause of any problem of which a client has complained will be investigated. If appropriate, redress will be offered, and any unsatisfactory procedure will be corrected.
  2.  MSUK Group values the views of clients and will endeavour always to use views in a constructive and responsive manner.  We recognise that mediation can be a painful experience for clients and will strive to take individual situations into account when responding to comments or complaints about the service. It is therefore appropriate to acknowledge the client’s complaint, whether or not the complaint is justified.
  3. All clients are made aware of the opportunity to complain: basic information is contained in the introductory letter, and detailed procedure is available on request.
  4. A complaint is defined as an ‘expression of dissatisfaction’.  This might include a written complaint or a verbal complaint.


On receipt of a complaint an acknowledgement will be sent within 5 working days or as soon as is reasonably practicable. This response may be made by telephone to see if the matter can be resolved informally.  However, if this cannot be done within 14 days, the client will be asked to confirm their complaint in writing if they have not already done so.

Where a Complaint is not resolved, MSUK group will within 21 working days of the initial response/acknowledgement, or as soon as reasonably practicable, respond to the client in writing, and will at the same time send full details of the Complaint and any response to it to the Compliance Officer who will undertake a review of the case to ensure that the mediation has been conducted in accordance with the CMC Codes of Conduct.

The Compliance Officer or the mediator will attempt to resolve the Complaint informally in whatever way seems appropriate to him or her typically by telephone. Where the Compliance Officer or the mediator is able to resolve the Complaint at this stage, the Complaint will be closed.

If the Complaint is not resolved at this stage the complaint becomes formal. MSUK Group cannot continue with any Mediation (if it is still ongoing) and the Other Party will be informed that there has been a Complaint although the Other Party will not be entitled to know any details of the Complaint.

If the complaint becomes formal all files and records will be released (as agreed under the term of the agreement to mediate) for the Compliance Officer to conduct a full investigation. He (she) will endeavour to resolve the complaint and make written recommendations to the client.

If the client does not accept the finding of the Compliance Officer, the complaint will be escalated to the CMC who will follow their procedure as laid out under the CMC complaints procedure. Mediation Solutions UK will then provide the client with the company complaints procedure.